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Delinquent Communication

There's really no excuse for not having posted here in over a year. Long story made short, work is busy, home life is busy, writing takes up the few moments I'm able to catch in between, so I tend to ignore social media, especially lately. I've even deleted Facebook, Twitter and Instagram from my phone and highly doubt they will return (maybe Instagram will). That doesn't mean I'm entirely absent online, just that I want my time there to be more deliberate instead of reflexive.

The third book in the Psi Squad series has been available on Amazon for nearly a year now and I'm chugging ahead with the fourth book. That said, I am toying with rewriting the first three and turning them into a single proper novel. When I began writing the series nine years ago, it was simply for fun. I've been thinking it might be nice to smooth out the rough edges and establish a more consistent narrative voice, in addition to a few other changes. That might happen before the fourth book comes out, or not. We'll have to see.

In the meantime, and alongside the latest Psi Squad entry, I've been writing a semi-comedic, somewhat satirical book about a young Indian reporter who goes to the mountains of North Carolina to write a feature article about a local festival. Mayhem ensues. She becomes a national sensation, reconnects and clashes with family, becomes a fugitive from the law and experiences a little romance. So far, so good. The first draft presently sits at 33,000 words. Progress happens in fits and spurts which means I have no idea when it will be done, but I'm having a great deal of fun writing it.

That's about it for now. Take care and see you soon!

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