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The Unhappy Valentine Nearing Completion

Amazingly, The Psi Squad and the Unhappy Valentine -- the third entry in The Psi Squad series of paranormal adventures for middle grade readers -- is almost ready for release.

By almost I mean at least two months, but that's a heck of a lot closer to finished than I thought I'd be. Lately, my early morning writing sessions have been rather more productive and I've buzzed through several chapters in rapid succession. I'm hoping the holidays don't slow things down.

Remaining to be done are chapters ten through twelve (and maybe a bit of chapter nine), reading the entire text aloud to my captive audience, making necessary edits, sharing with several beta readers, making necessary edits, final formatting, then hitting the PUBLISH buttons at Amazon for the ebook and CreateSpace for the paperback.

Following closely on the heels of The Unhappy Valentine will be a compilation of the first three books, tentatively titled "Adventures in Grade Six." I know, it's a mildly awful title. Either it will grow on me, or I'll run a contest to help with naming the silly thing.

I am excited to have a draft of the new book's cover to share (see below). I had been wondering what image I might come up that would represent the story well. The spirit board, along with a broken-heart planchette, really couldn't be more appropriate. Once you've read the book, you'll understand why.

That's about it for now. I'll post an update when the first draft is complete. Until then, Happy Haunting!

Cover Psi Squad 3 72dpi.jpg

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